Croatian Center of Renewable Energy Sources
News and Events by CCRES
January 04, 2012
DOE's Top Energy Innovator Challenge Open to Public Voting
DOE announced on December 19 that it will give
the public the chance to vote for the most innovative and promising
technologies supported by the "America's Next Top Energy Innovator"
challenge. In all, 36 start-up companies elected to participate in this
first-of-its-kind effort. These companies have signed 43 option
agreements allowing them to license cutting-edge technologies developed
and patented by one of DOE's 17 national laboratories and the Y-12
National Security Complex, one of four production facilities in the
National Nuclear Security Administration's Nuclear Security Enterprise.
Competitors used a streamlined application process and a greatly reduced
upfront fee of $1,000.
Beginning in mid January, Americans will be able
to view profiles of the companies and vote on those that could
contribute most to the country’s economic and energy future. An expert
panel will evaluate the companies and identify those that have most
advanced their business plans. See the top innovator Web page.
Among the companies competing are Vorbeck
Materials, based in Jessup, Maryland, which is using a Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory-developed method for building tiny chemical
structures to greatly improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries.
And, Boulder, Colorado-based e-Chromic LLC will use electrochromic
technology developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to
create a new thin-film window material that reflects sunlight on demand,
making windows more energy efficient while reducing cooling costs for
consumers. See the DOE press release and a White House blog on startups.
DOE Researchers Report Breakthrough for Cheaper Biofuels
New molecular breakthroughs could
help in designing E. coli that better digest switchgrass and other
plants to help make biofuels.
Credit: Todd Johnson |
Researchers at DOE's Joint BioEnergy Institute
(JBEI) announced on December 22 a major breakthrough in engineering
systems of RNA molecules using computer-assisted design. The innovation
could lead to important improvements across a range of industries,
including the development of less-expensive advanced biofuels.
Scientists will use these new "RNA machines" to adjust genetic
expression in the cells of microorganisms. This will enable scientists
to develop new strains of Escherichia coli (E. coli) that are better
able to digest switchgrass biomass and convert released sugars to form
gasoline, diesel, and jet fuels. JBEI is led by researchers at DOE's
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
A breakthrough with E. coli could lower the cost
of producing advanced biofuels from switchgrass or other non-food
biomass plants, with the potential to replace gasoline. While the work
at JBEI remains focused on the development of advanced biofuels, JBEI's
researchers believe their concepts could help other researchers to
develop many other desired products, including biodegradable plastics
and therapeutic drugs. For example, some researchers have already
started a project to investigate using the "RNA machines" to increase
the safety and efficacy of medicine therapies to treat diseases,
including diabetes and Parkinson's.
Biological systems are very complex, which makes
it difficult to engineer systems of microorganisms that will produce
desired products in predictable amounts. JBEI’s work—featured in the
December 23 issue of Science magazine—is the first of its kind to set up and adjust an RNA system in a predictable way.
Specifically, researchers focused their
design-driven approach on RNA sequences that can fold into complicated
three-dimensional shapes called ribozymes and aptazymes. Using
JBEI-developed computer-assisted models and simulations, researchers
then created complex RNA-based control systems that are able to program a
large number of genes. In microorganisms, "commands" sent into the cell
will be processed by the RNA-based control systems, enabling them to
help develop desired products.
A major goal of synthetic biology is to produce
valuable chemical products from simple, inexpensive, and renewable
starting materials in a sustainable manner. Computer-assisted models and
simulations like the one JBEI developed are essential for doing so.
Until now, such tools for biology have been very limited, and JBEI’s
breakthrough in applying computer-assisted design marks an important
technical and conceptual achievement for this field. JBEI is one of
three Bioenergy Research Centers established by the DOE’s Office of
Science in 2007. See the DOE press release and the JBEI website.
DOE Awards $7 Million to Reduce Electric Vehicle Charger Costs
DOE announced on December 21 awards totaling
nearly $7 million in research and development funding that will help to
reduce the current costs of electric vehicle chargers by 50% over the
next three years. With DOE support, manufacturers in California, New
Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania will work to improve the development
and design of charging equipment. This research will promote "smart"
charging capabilities that can help ensure electric vehicles enhance,
rather than strain, existing electrical grid capacity.
Two of the four selected projects will focus on
improving electric vehicle chargers that attach to consumers' homes and
are used by the owners to charge their vehicles while they are at home.
Two other projects will focus on chargers used at commercial and public
locations to charge large numbers of vehicles, including commercial
fleets of delivery vehicles.
These research and development investments will leverage additional investments from the industry grantees. See the DOE press release and the DOE Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability website.
Interior Department OKs Two Major Renewable Projects
The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
announced on December 20 the approval of two utility-scale renewable
energy projects, including the first renewable project on public lands
in Arizona and a solar energy project in California. Combined, the two
projects will generate nearly 500 megawatts (MW), enough to power
150,000 homes, and create 700 jobs during peak construction. Also, DOI
announced the first major step in developing an offshore wind
transmission line on the Atlantic Outer Continental Shelf.
DOI approved the Sonoran Solar Energy Project,
proposed by a subsidiary of NextEra Energy Resources, LLC, making it the
first-ever renewable energy project approved for construction on public
lands in Arizona in the desert southwest of Phoenix. The project's
photovoltaic (PV) panels are expected to generate 300 megawatts, and the
project will create 374 jobs through construction, operation, and
maintenance. Also approved was the Tule Wind Power Project, located 70
miles east of San Diego, which will produce 186 megawatts of electricity
via 62 wind turbines sited on public lands, or enough to power up to
65,000 homes. Proposed by a subsidiary of Iberdrola Renewables, the
project is expected to create 337 jobs.
DOI also took the next step toward developing a
Mid-Atlantic Wind Energy Transmission Line. Atlantic Grid Holdings, LLC
has requested a right-of-way grant to develop a high-voltage
direct-current line that would collect power generated by wind turbine
facilities off the coasts of Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York,
and Virginia. With the new line, up to 7,000 MW of wind turbine capacity
could be delivered to the grid. DOI's Bureau of Ocean Energy Management
opened a public comment period on the potential environmental effects
of the proposed project. The agency is also asking whether other
developers are interested in constructing transmission facilities in
this area in order to determine whether there is overlapping competitive
interest. See the DOI press release, a DOI fact sheet on onshore renewable energy
, and a fact sheet on offshore renewable energy
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