Energy Department Announces Projects to Develop Innovative, Advanced Drop-in Biofuels
The Energy Department on April 22 announced
nearly $18 million in four innovative pilot-scale biorefineries that
will test renewable biofuels as a domestic alternative to power cars,
trucks, and planes, and that also meet military specifications for jet
fuel and shipboard diesel. These biorefineries will be in in California,
Iowa, and Washington.
The projects selected for funding include
Frontline Bioenergy of Ames, Iowa, which will use an innovative new
pilot scale reactor and new gas conditioning processes to produce
biofuel from woody biomass, municipal solid waste, and refuse; Cobalt
Technologies of Mountain View, California, which will operate a
pilot-scale integrated biorefinery to convert switchgrass to bio-jet
fuel; Mercurius Biorefining of Ferndale, Washington, which will build
and operate a pilot plant that uses an innovative process that converts
cellulosic biomass into bio-jet fuel and other chemicals; and BioProcess
Algae of Shenandoah, Iowa, which will evaluate an innovative algal
growth platform to produce hydrocarbon fuels meeting military
specifications using renewable carbon dioxide, lignocellulosic sugars,
and waste heat.
The pilot-scale biorefinery projects selected
will use a variety of non-food biomass feedstocks, waste-based
materials, and algae in innovative conversion processes to produce
biofuels that meet military specifications for jet fuel and diesel. The
projects will demonstrate technologies to cost-effectively convert
biomass into advanced drop-in biofuels and assist these organizations to
scale up the processes to commercial levels. Recipients are required to
contribute a minimum of 50% matching funds for these projects. See the
Energy Department press release.
Energy Department Highlights Nissan’s Better Plants Challenge Project
The Energy Department on April 17 recognized
Nissan’s participation in the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge
and its showcase project at the company’s new energy-efficient paint
plant in Smyrna, Tennessee. The 250,000-square-foot Smyrna facility,
which opened in January, is expected to cut energy use by almost a third
compared to its predecessor.
As a partner in the Better Buildings, Better
Plants Challenge, Nissan North America has committed to reducing energy
use in its three U.S. plants by 25% by 2020, affecting 12 million square
feet of plant space. Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge
participating organizations receive technical assistance from the Energy
Department and share best practices on industrial energy efficiency
with other Challenge partners.
Each year, the United States spends about $200
billion just to power commercial buildings and another $200 billion to
power industrial facilities. Together, commercial and industrial
buildings account for roughly half of the nation’s energy use and more
than 40% of U.S. carbon emissions. The Better Buildings, Better Plants
Challenge serves as the industrial component of President Obama’s
broader Better Buildings Challenge, which was launched in December 2011
to help America’s commercial and industrial buildings become at least
20% more efficient over the next decade. See the Energy Department press release and the Better Buildings, Better Plants Challenge website.
EIA: 2012 Home Energy Bills Lowest Percentage in 10 Years
U.S. consumers spent 2.7% of their household
income on home energy bills last year, which was the lowest percentage
in 10 years, according to a U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA)
analysis released on April 18. Also, aggregate home energy expenditures
by U.S. households fell $12 billion in 2012 from the 2011 level. Warmer
weather contributed to lower energy consumption in 2012, and because
household energy expenditures reflect both prices and consumption, these
changes resulted in lower household energy expenditures.
On average, households spent $1,945 on heating,
cooling, appliances, electronics, and lighting in 2012. This total
includes home use of electricity, natural gas, fuel oil, propane,
kerosene, wood, and coal, but excludes fuels used for transportation. It
also excludes other household utilities such as water and telephone
services. Using EIA projections for 2012 based on household data from
the U.S. Census Bureau through 2010, $1,945 is the lowest level since
2002. The percentage of household income spent on home energy bills
peaked at 4.3% in 1982 and steadily declined until it reached its lowest
level since 1973—2.4% in 1999. See the EIA's Today in Energy.
Walmart Announces New Goals for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
Walmart on April 15 announced the company’s next
step on the path to achieving its goal of being 100% supplied by
renewable energy. The company committed to achieving the production or
procurement of 7 billion kilowatt-hours of renewable energy globally
every year by the end of 2020. That would mark a 600% increase over its
2010 levels. The Bentonville, Arkansas-based retailer will also seek to
reduce the energy intensity required to power the company's buildings
during the same period by 20%.
Walmart expects its six-fold increase in
utilizing renewable energy projects to be equal to eliminating the need
for roughly two U.S. fossil fuel power plants. Based on external
estimates of projected energy costs and other factors, the two new
commitments are anticipated to generate more than $1 billion annually in
energy savings once fully implemented. The company also expects to
avoid 9 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions, the equivalent
of taking 1.5 million cars off the road.
In the United States alone, Walmart plans to
install solar power on at least 1,000 of its rooftops and facilities by
2020, an increase from just over 200 solar projects currently in
operation or under development. According to the Solar Energy Industry
Association, the company has more solar power capacity and number of
systems than any other company in America. It has also been cited by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as America’s leading user of
onsite renewables, using more onsite renewable power than any other
company in the United States. In addition to onsite solar, the company
will continue to develop projects in wind, fuel cells, and other
technologies. It will also procure offsite renewable energy from
utility-scale projects, such as large wind, micro-hydro, and geothermal
projects. See the Walmart press release.
CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (CCRES)special thanks to U.S. Department of Energy | |
On the Path to Low Cost Renewable Fuels, an Important Breakthrough
by Leslie Pezzullo, Technology Manager, Bioenergy Technologies Office
America’s homegrown fuel resources—from wood
chips to the leaves and stalks of corn plants—are plentiful. Research
finds that these resources could produce enough clean, renewable fuel to
replace about 30% of the nation’s current petroleum consumption. Still,
on the path to creating a strong, thriving biofuels industry, there are
challenges we continue to address. That’s why the Energy Department is
working with researchers, industry, and other partners to increase the
reliability and cost-effectiveness of renewable fuel production.
The good news is we are making
progress—particularly when it comes to cellulosic ethanol. For the
uninitiated, cellulosic ethanol is fuel produced from the inedible,
organic material abundant in agricultural waste—including grasses, farm
waste, and virtually every type of plant. While cellulosic ethanol
represents a huge opportunity for the renewable fuels industry, the high
costs and inefficiencies associated with the technology are barriers to
its commercialization. However, with major technology milestones met by
researchers at our national labs and industry partners, that’s all
starting to change.
Last fall, scientists at the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL) successfully demonstrated the technical
advances needed to produce cellulosic ethanol cost competitively at
$2.15 per gallon—a process that was modeled at $9 per gallon just a
decade ago. For the complete story, see the Energy Blog.
petak, 26. travnja 2013.
News and Events by CCRES April 26, 2013
ponedjeljak, 22. travnja 2013.
SUPEUS – studenti za budućnost
U organizaciji Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE) nastavljeno je predstavljanje hrvatskih visokotehnoloških tvrtki, udruga i poduzetnika na europskim i svjetskim portalima kojima je zajednički predznak energetika, obnovljivi izvori energije i očuvanje okoliša.
„Želim naglasiti da će hrvatske tvrtke, udruge i poduzetnici ovdje biti promovirane ne samo da bi prodavali svoje proizvode nego i da bi svoje znanje razvoja informacijskih i energetskih tehnologija podijelile s sličnim svjetskim tvrtkama, poduzetnicima iz razvijenih nacija kojima se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava i politički i gospodarski. Nadam se da će naše prezentacije hrvatskih tvrtki i poduzetnika dovesti do suradnje između država, kompanija i poduzetnika do razine koja nije samo prijateljstvo nego i partnerstvo", istaknuo je Željko Serdar , predsjednik Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije.
SUPEUS – studenti za budućnost
SUPEUS - Studentska udruga za promicanje energetske učinkovitosti i savjetovanje predstavlja ambiciozni tim studenata tehničkih i prirodoslovnih fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu čija je glavna zanimacija promoviranje energetske učinkovitosti, održive gradnje i obnovljivih izvora energije, a glavna djelatnost su seminari, radionice i ostali informativno edukacijski projekti kojima nastojimo povezati studente, tvrtke i fakultete. Udruga trenutno broji 25 redovnih članova, 29 članova pripravnika, 2 alumni člana i 8 počasnih članova. Članovi su studenti Arhitektonskog fakulteta, Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva, Fakulteta strojarstva i brodogradnje te Građevinskog fakulteta, studenti Prirodoslovno matematičkog fakulteta – Znanosti o okolišu, Ekonomskog fakulteta, Fakulteta kemijskog inženjerstva i tehnologije i Rudarsko naftno geološkog fakulteta. Hrvoja Turibaka, Josipa Markežića, Marka Miškovića i Hrvoja Turkovića na osnivanje SUPEUS-a potaknulo je višegodišnje aktivno praćenje i sudjelovanje u projektima energetske učinkovitosti, obnovljivih izvora energije i održive gradnje.. Vođeni željom promoviranja održivosti među studentima, odlučili su osnovati Udrugu. Prvi sastanak osnivača održan je 1. ožujka 2011. godine na Fakultetu elektrotehnike i računarstva. Dana 14. ožujka 2011. održana je i osnivačka skupština na kojoj je donesena službena odluka o osnivanju Udruge te je donesen statut. Udruga je registrirana pri Gradskom uredu 6. svibnja 2011., a službeni početak rada Udruge je 27. rujna 2011., kada je rad Udruge službeno predstavljen. Tijekom godinu i pol rada, članovi Udruge uspješno su pripremili i odradili pet projekata, a svaki je naišao na odobravanje studenata, profesora, ali i tvrtki. Uz to, članovi Udruge redovito svoje znanje proširuju i nadopunjuju na internim seminarima. Članovi SUPEUS-a redovito prolaze i službene edukacije u području savjetovanja o energetskoj učinkovitosti, obnovljivim izvorima energije i održivoj gradnji, a priliku za dokazivanjem imaju kroz odjel savjetovanja. Profesionalnost, znanje i konstantna želja za dokazivanjem glavne su odlike svakog člana SUPEUS-a. SUPEUS je u 2012. godini postao partnerski član Savjeta za zelenu gradnju u Hrvatskoj (GBC) i Hrvatske stručne udruge za sunčevu energiju (HSUSE). Na taj način omogućili smo neposrednu povezanost i suradnju studentskih i poslovnih organizacija.
je uspješno odradila nekolicinu projekata u kojima su najuspješniji SUPEUS Case
Study, BUS 2012 te izdavanje stručnog časopisa SUMA.
skraćeno SUMA, jest magazin o obnovljivim izvorima energije, energetskoj efikasnosti
i održivoj gradnji, a svečano je promoviran 8. ožujka 2013. godine na Fakultetu
elektrotehnike i računarstva. Časopis objedinjuje sve aktivnosti i događanja te
je jedan od najvećih projekata Udruge. Prvi broj časopisa posvećen je Hrvoju
Turibaku, prvom i počasnom predsjedniku Udruge od kojeg je sama ideja i
potekla. Tiskan je u nakladi od 1500 primjerak i izlazit će jednom godišnje.
Namijenjen je studentima, tvrtkama, organizacijama i profesorima koji su
zainteresirani ili rade na području energetske učinkovitosti i obnovljivih
izvora energije. Ovim projektom, na jednom je mjestu pružen pregled svih
projekata Udruge, aktualnih događanja, projekata i planova na području
energetske učinkovitosti i održivog razvoja, ali i otvorena mogućnost studentima
da objavljuju svoje radove, članke i ideje neovisno o članstvu u Udruzi.
Časopis je rezultat isključivo studentskog rada.
Budućnost ugodnog
stanovanja, ili skraćeno BUS, bio je drugi i dosad najveći projekt Udruge. To
je besplatni seminar namijenjen studentima koji pokriva područja energetske
učinkovitosti, obnovljivih izvora energije i održive gradnje. Ideja za
organizacijom ovakvog projekta potekla je nakon prisustvovanja članove Udruge
brojnim konferencijama i skupovima za stručno usavršavanje. Ideja je bila vrlo
jednostavna: organizirati seminar za studente na kojem će predavati profesori,
renomirani stručnjaci i predstavnici tvrtki, te prezentirati najvažnije i
najaktualnije teme iz svijeta energetske učinkovitosti, obnovljivih izvora
energije i održivosti.
Prvi seminar
Budućnost ugodnog stanovanja održan je krajem 3. mjeseca 2012. godine i bio je
prvenstveno namijenjen studentima arhitektonske, građevinske, elektrotehničke i
strojarske struke. Međutim, sudionika je bilo i s drugih fakulteta, kao što su
EFZG, RGN, PMF, FKIT... Ukupno trinaest predavanja bilo je podijeljeno u tri
bloka predavanja s dvije pauze. Pri blok više se doticao građevinske i
arhitektonske struke, drugi strojarske i treći elektrotehničke struke. Svako
predavanje bilo je koncipirano tako da ga razumiju studenti koji ne studiraju
dotično područje, ali da opet studentima koji su bolje upoznati sa sadržajem
predavanja ne bude dosadno. Cilj je naravno bio okupiti što više studenata s
različitih fakulteta, zainteresirati ih za različita područja i omogućiti im da
nauče nešto novo.
certifikacija i potencijal energetske obnove zgrada u RH – Željka
s više ugodnosti – prof. Ljubomir Miščević,
zaštita zgrade – Ivana Banjad Pečur,đ.
sustavi u zgradarstvu – Renato Krikšić,
termografije u zgradarstvu – Srećko Švaić,
osiguranja kvalitete izvođenja energetski efikasne zgrade – Bojan
2020 – Tomislav Franko,, Wienerberger
topline danas i sutra – Vladimir Soldo,
– Dražen Lončar,
sunčeve energije u termotehnici – Damir Dović,
sustavi rasvjete – Josip Zdenković,
sustavi - Ljubomir Majdandžić,
do koncepta kuće budućnosti – Maison Air at Lumiere, Pariz - Jan Mihelčić,
Glavni cilj projekta bio je povezati studente različitih fakulteta kroz temu energetske učinkovitosti. S obzirom na broj prijavljenih studenata (326) može se reći da je glavni cilj ostvaren. Što se tiče sadržaja samog seminara rezultati anonimne ankete provedene među sudionicima pokazali su da postoji želja i potpora za daljnjim organiziranjem ovakvih događaja. Vrijednost cijelog projekta prepoznale su i tvrtke, njih 20, koje su omogućile organizaciju cijelog projekta, kao i tri medijska partnera koji su popratili projekt.
BUS imat će jedinstvenu temu, a to je Grad. Seminar će se održati 4. 5. 2013. godine na AGG-u u Zagrebu u Velikoj
predavaonici (81), Kačićeva 26, 10000 Zagreb. Cijeli seminar organiziran je kroz 4 bloka.
U prvom bloku i uvodnom dijelu nastojat će se prezentirati vizije i koncepti za
razvoj suvremenog grada te važnost uključivanja javnosti u razvojne projekte.
Kroz različita predavanja prezentirat će se i što sve obuhvaća stanovanje u
jednom gradu. U drugom bloku prezentirat će se rješenja za konkretne probleme
koji se javljaju u gradu. Predavanja će se dotaknuti otpada, proizvodnje i
distribucije energije, promet, priprema i obrada voda, energetske obnove grada
itd. Mogućnosti financiranja projekata su jedna od tema trećeg bloka seminara,
dok u posljednjem bloku će se kroz predavanja prikazati planirani i realizirani
projekti, studije, istraživanja i zanimljivosti iz područja EE i OIE.
Za detaljnije informacije
pozivamo sve zainteresirane da prate stranice Udruge: i Facebook stranicu cijelog
Velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo bilo predstaviti Vam SUPEUS
- Studentsku udrugu za promicanje energetske učinkovitosti i savjetovanje.
Sigurnost i pouzdanost, iskustvo i
poslovna strategija u osmišljavanju i realizaciji projekata
glavne su prednosti SUPEUS
- Studentske udruge za promicanje energetske učinkovitosti i savjetovanje.
Željko Serdar
Hrvatski Centar Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE)
četvrtak, 18. travnja 2013.
News and Events by CCRES April 18, 2013
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy SourcesNews and Events April 18, 2013 |
President's 2014 Budget Proposes Critical Investments in Clean Energy
President Barack Obama on April 10 requested a
$28.4 billion Fiscal Year 2014 budget for the Energy Department,
including $2.78 billion for the Energy Department's Office of Energy
Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE). The request is part of the
Administration-wide effort to strengthen the U.S. economy with energy
that is cleaner, cheaper, and creates sustainable jobs.
As Assistant Energy Secretary Dr. David
Danielson explained in an April 10 presentation, the $2.78 billion EERE
portion of the request includes $615 million in funding for research and
development into sources of renewable electricity generation such as
wind, solar, water power, and geothermal energy. The proposed budget
also includes $949 million for energy savings programs including the
Federal Energy Management Program, Weatherization &
Intergovernmental, building technologies, and advanced manufacturing.
And the proposed FY 2014 budget includes a $957 million request for
sustainable transportation, including research and development of
vehicles, bioenergy, and fuel cell technologies. This segment includes
$575 million for cutting-edge vehicle technologies research and $282
million in research into next-generation advanced biofuels. See the
presentation on the EERE proposed FY 2014 budget
Overall, the budget request for the Energy
Department invests in innovative research to lead in research,
development, deployment, and production of clean energy technologies. It
also creates a new Race to the Top for Energy Efficiency and Grid
Modernization, and helps consumers and businesses save money and improve
their energy efficiency through the President’s Better Buildings
Other highlights in the FY 2014 budget include
$80 million for advanced technologies and tools that improve clean
energy integration into the grid; $147 million in research and
development of smart grid investments, cybersecurity for energy control
systems, and National Electricity Delivery within the Office of
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability; and $2 billion for an
Energy Security Trust to help transition U.S. cars and trucks off of
oil. See the Energy Department press release and the White House blog.
First U.S. Grid-Connected Enhanced Geothermal System Deployed
The Energy Department on April 12 recognized the
nation’s first commercial enhanced geothermal system (EGS) project to
supply electricity to the grid. Based in Churchill County, Nevada, Ormat
Technologies’ Desert Peak 2 EGS project has increased power output of
its nearby operating geothermal field by nearly 38 %, generating an
additional 1.7 megawatts of power. EGS technologies utilize directional
drilling and pressurized water to enhance flow paths in the subsurface
rock and create new reservoirs, capturing energy from resources that
were once considered uneconomical or unrecoverable.
Leveraging a $5.4 million Energy Department
investment—matched by $2.6 million in private sector funding—the Ormat
Desert Peak project is extending the life of previously unproductive
geothermal wells. Since the project’s start in 2008, the Energy
Department has worked with Ormat, GeothermEx, the U.S. Geological
Survey, and Lawrence Berkeley and Sandia National Laboratories to
develop cost-effective and innovative production technologies that
utilize protective environmental best practices and monitoring. The U.S.
Geological Survey estimates that EGS in the United States has the
potential to enable development of 100 to 500 gigawatts of geothermal
resource capacity. See the Energy Department press release and the Energy Department's Geothermal Technologies Office website.
DOE and NREL Name Inaugural Collegiate Wind Competition Teams
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and its
National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) on April 11 announced the
teams selected for the inaugural DOE Collegiate Wind Competition, which
will take place in spring 2014. The Collegiate Wind Competition is a
forum for undergraduate college students of multiple disciplines to
investigate innovative wind energy concepts; gain experience designing,
building, and testing a wind turbine to perform according to a
customized business plan derived from market data; and increase their
knowledge of wind industry barriers.
The 10 student teams selected through a
competitive process are Boise State University, California Maritime
Academy, the Colorado School of Mines, James Madison University in
Virginia, Kansas State University, Northern Arizona University,
Pennsylvania State University, the University of Alaska—Fairbanks, the
University of Kansas, and the University of Massachusetts—Lowell.
The theme of the inaugural competition is to
design and construct a lightweight, transportable wind turbine that can
be used to power small electronic devices. A principal contest involves
testing each team's prototype wind turbine in a wind tunnel under
specific conditions. Each team's business plan and turbine will also be
evaluated against other pre-weighted criteria. The third event of the
competition will be a team-to-team debate relating to current wind
market drivers and issues. The turbine from the college or university
with the best overall score will be placed on temporary display at the
DOE headquarters building in Washington, D.C. See the NREL press release.
USDA Announces $6 Million for Rural Smart Grid
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on
April 10 announced funding for projects to improve electric service in
rural areas across 13 states, including more than $6 million in smart
grid funding, which increases access to information to better manage
electricity use. Overall, $280 million will be available through loans
for rural electric infrastructure in Alabama, Colorado, Florida,
Georgia, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina, North
Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, and Texas.
For example, the Georgia Transmission
Corporation, which serves customers in Alabama and Florida in addition
to Georgia, will receive a USDA loan that includes more than $3 million
for smart grid projects. The Heartland Rural Electric Cooperative in
Kansas will receive a USDA loan that includes more than $192,000 for
smart grid projects. Smart grid technologies involve adding
communication capabilities and control systems to the electrical grid
that are intended to improve home energy management for the homeowner,
provide greater demand control for the utility, and create a more
reliable power grid overall. Smart grid technologies are also expected
to better accommodate the use of renewable energy, all forms of on-site
power production, and electric vehicles. See the USDA press release.
And on March 29, USDA announced that it is
seeking applications to provide assistance to agricultural producers and
rural small businesses for energy efficiency and renewable energy
projects. Funding is available from USDA's Rural Energy for America
Program. See the USDA press release.
CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (CCRES)special thanks to U.S. Department of Energy | |
Celebrating Earth Day 2013 in a Google+ Hangout
The Energy Department is celebrating Earth Day
2013 by hosting a special Google+ Hangout on Monday, April 22 at 3 p.m.
EDT. We've rounded up our panel of experts to answer your questions and
share best strategies for saving energy and money in the home. The live
discussion will be streamed on Google+, YouTube, and
On average, U.S. families spend more than $2,000
per year on their home energy bills. Unfortunately, much of this money
is wasted on air leaks and drafts. Considering that the residential
sector accounts for about 22% of U.S. energy consumption, upgrading
homes to run more efficiently is not only a great way to save money but
can also help minimize our impact on the planet.
Our Earth Day Google+ Hangout not only gives you
the opportunity to learn new approaches to home efficiency upgrades,
it’s also your platform to share your best energy-saving tips. During
the live discussion, we will be selecting video questions to answer in
addition to taking real-time questions from Twitter and Google+ tagged
with #askEnergy. You can also submit questions by emailing us at or posting in the comments on the Energy Department’s Facebook page. For the complete story, see the Energy Blog.
Earth Day - April 22 - is fast approaching.
With environmental disasters escalating and international climate change
talks at an impasse, your participation is needed now more than ever.
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CCRES) |
U organizaciji Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE)
nastavljeno je predstavljanje hrvatskih visokotehnoloških tvrtki i
poduzetnika na europskim i svjetskim portalima kojima je zajednički
predznak energetika, obnovljivi izvori energije i očuvanje okoliša.
„Želim naglasiti da će hrvatske tvrtke i poduzetnici ovdje biti promovirane ne samo da bi prodavali svoje proizvode nego i da bi svoje znanje razvoja informacijskih i energetskih tehnologija podijelile s sličnim svjetskim tvrtkama, poduzetnicima iz razvijenih nacija kojima se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava i politički i gospodarski. Nadam se da će naše prezentacije hrvatskih tvrtki i poduzetnika dovesti do suradnje između država, kompanija i poduzetnika do razine koja nije samo prijateljstvo nego i partnerstvo", istaknuo je Željko Serdar , predsjednik Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije.
„Želim naglasiti da će hrvatske tvrtke i poduzetnici ovdje biti promovirane ne samo da bi prodavali svoje proizvode nego i da bi svoje znanje razvoja informacijskih i energetskih tehnologija podijelile s sličnim svjetskim tvrtkama, poduzetnicima iz razvijenih nacija kojima se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava i politički i gospodarski. Nadam se da će naše prezentacije hrvatskih tvrtki i poduzetnika dovesti do suradnje između država, kompanija i poduzetnika do razine koja nije samo prijateljstvo nego i partnerstvo", istaknuo je Željko Serdar , predsjednik Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije.
DVA d.o.o. na čelu s Vladimirom Matjačićem, dipl.oec. u prvoj je
fazi izgradnje vjetroelektrane radnog naziva

Uz cestu Benkovac-Karin Donji, na sjeverno-istočnoj strani u kršu Bukovice, u tijeku je prva faza izgradnje vjetroelektrane radnog naziva ZD4 u vlasništvu privatne tvrtke Eko Zadar Dva d.o.o. Benkovac.
Za mjesec-dva započet će s komercijalnim radom prve četiri vjetroturbine snage 9,2 megawatta (MW), a na jesen i još šest vjetroturbina snage 18 MW.
Divovska konstrukcija
- Ulaganje je 360 milijuna kuna, za prvu fazu 120, a za drugu 240 milijuna kuna. Od toga su 30 posto vlastita sredstva, a 70 posto krediti Hrvatske banke za obnovu i razvitak (HBOR) te Zagrebačke banke (ZABA), kazao je Vladimir Matjačić, direktor Eko Zadar Dva d.o.o., predsjednik Nadzornog odbora i suvlasnik Heplasta iz Preloga u Međimurju, tvrtke koja proizvodi polietilenske i polipropilenske cijevi.Ukupna snaga tih vjetroelektrana iznosi 27,2 MW, a proizvodnja će biti oko 90 milijuna kilovatsati (kWh) ili 25 tisuća MW godišnje, što je dovoljno za opskrbu preko 20 tisuća domaćinstava "zelenom energijom". Vjetroelektrane će u usporedbi s proizvodnjom električne energije pomoću kamenog ugljena i plina smanjiti emisiju štetnih tvari u atmosferu za oko 60.000 tona CO2 godišnje.
Divovska konstrukcija vjetroturbine je teška preko 130 tona. Rotor ima masu 62 tone, a gondola oko 80 tona. Promjer rotora agregata iznosi 108 metara, a na visinu od 90 metara podiže ga 500-tonska dizalica Zagrebtransa.
Koncesija 20 godina
- Investitori su domaći dok je stupove i vjetroagregate isporučio te ih montira Siemens Hrvatska. Od ukupne investicije od 360.000 milijuna kuna u Hrvatskoj ostaje preko 50 posto, prvenstveno u kupnji potrebitog materijala, gradnje komunalne infrastrukture te troškove izvođača radova i ishođenja potrebne dokumentacije.Prihod od prve četiri vjetroturbine je oko 2,5 milijuna eura godišnje. Kada se cjelokupnoj investiciji dodaju troškovi rada, održavanja, administracije, osiguranja te ostali čimbenici potrebni za rad vjetroelektrane, realan povrat uloženog novca je oko 10 godina.
Iskorištavanje energije vjetra najbrže je rastući segment proizvodnje energije iz obnovljivih izvora.
- Koncesija je 20 godina dok će shodno ugovoru proizvedenu električnu energiju po definiranoj cijeni Hrvatski operator tržišta energije (HROTE) otkupljivati 12 godina. Preostale godine su po sadašnjim propisima tržišna utakmica.
Osim 400 MW trenutno na listi, Hrvatska u sljedećih sedam godina treba izgraditi dodatnih 800 MW vjetroelektrana. Riječ je o dijelu obveze da Hrvatska do 2020. godine 20 posto svoje električne energije proizvede iz obnovljivih izvora.
Knezova Šubića Bribirskih 15/B, Benkovac
Registrirane djelatnosti:
* -Savjetovanje u energetici* -Projektiranje energetskih i industrijskih postrojenja i objekata* -Kupnja i prodaja robe* -Poslovanje nekretninama* -Proizvodnja električne energije* -Trgovanje, posredovanje i zastupanje na tržištu energije
Velika nam je čast i zadovoljstvo bilo predstaviti Vam tvrtku EKO ZADAR DVA d.o.o.
Sigurnost i pouzdanost, kvaliteta usluge, iskustvo i
poslovna strategija u osmišljavanju i realizaciji sustava
glavne su prednosti tvrtke
Željko Serdar
Hrvatski Centar Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE)
srijeda, 10. travnja 2013.
News and Events by CCRES April 11, 2013
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy SourcesNews and Events April 11, 2013 |
Energy Department Announces Apps for Vehicles Challenge Winners
The Energy Department announced the winners of
the Apps for Vehicles Challenge on April 1. The competition asked app
developers and entrepreneurs to demonstrate how the open data available
on most vehicles can be used to improve vehicle safety, fuel efficiency,
and comfort. The Department awarded the Judges' Prize to New York
City-based Dash, which developed an app that turns any vehicle into a
"smart car," providing real diagnostics and alerts to enable drivers to
maximize engine performance, minimize carbon emissions, and save money.
The Popular Choice prize went to MyCarma, headquartered in Troy,
Michigan, which developed an app that offers a personalized fuel economy
estimate based on a driver's unique driving patterns instead of a
standard test cycle. Green Button Gamer, based in Boston, Massachusetts,
won the Safety Innovation award, and Fuel Economy Coach, based in
Augusta, Georgia, received the Fuel Efficiency Innovation award.
The Apps for Vehicles Challenge is focused on
spurring innovative projects or services to reduce fuel costs and
increase safety for consumers by utilizing vehicle-generated
information, including data on engine speed, brake position, headlights,
and distance traveled. Entries were judged based on their creativity,
innovation, use of open vehicle data, consumer accessibility, and
potential to help consumers improve fuel efficiency. The Energy
Department announced the competition in October 2012, and from nearly 40
entries that were submitted for the first phase of the competition,
seven were selected as finalists to advance to the second stage. See the
Energy Department's Progress Alert and visit the Apps for Vehicles Challenge website to download the winning apps.
Energy Department Renews Funding for Bioenergy Research Centers
The Energy Department announced on April 4 that
it would fund its three Bioenergy Research Centers for an additional
five-year period, subject to continued congressional appropriations. The
three centers were established by the Department's Office of Science in
2007 as an innovative program to accelerate fundamental research
breakthroughs toward the development of advanced next-generation
biofuels. The centers include the BioEnergy Research Center, led by the
Department's Oak Ridge National Laboratory; the Great Lakes Bioenergy
Research Center, led by the University of Wisconsin-Madison in
partnership with Michigan State University; and the Joint BioEnergy
Institute, led by the Department's Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory. Each center is designed to be a large, integrated,
multidisciplinary research effort, funded at the rate of $25 million per
year, and they have consistently received high marks from outside
reviewers for both their scientific productivity and the effective
management and integration of their research efforts.
In their first five years of operation, the
Bioenergy Research Centers have produced more than 1,100 peer-reviewed
publications and more than 400 inventions, as recorded in invention
disclosures or patent applications. Among the breakthroughs are new
approaches for engineering non-food crops for biofuel production;
reengineering of microbes to produce advanced biofuels such as "green"
gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel precursors from biomass; and the
development of methods to grow non-food biofuel crops on marginal lands
so as not to compete with food production. In the next five years,
emphasis will be on bringing new methods and discoveries to maturity,
developing new lines of research, and accelerating the transformation of
scientific breakthroughs into new technologies that can transition to
the marketplace. See the Energy Department press release, and for more information on the centers, visit the Genomic Science Program website.
New Database Shows Benefits of Energy Efficiency Programs
The Energy Department on April 5 recognized a
new publicly available database that offers federal, state, and local
decision-makers information documenting the results of energy-efficiency
programs in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic regions. The Regional Energy
Efficiency Database (REED), a project of Northeast Energy Efficiency
Partnerships, provides a one-stop resource to readily access energy
efficiency program data, including energy and peak-demand savings,
costs, avoided emissions, and job impacts. This is part of the Energy
Department's broader effort to improve public access to energy
information, empowering consumers, industry, and government agencies to
make informed decisions that save money by saving energy.
The REED database allows users to generate
reports and download underlying data showing the impacts of
ratepayer-funded energy efficiency programs in Connecticut, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, and
Vermont. REED will help inform a broad range of policy issues, including
energy, economic, and air quality planning, and help demonstrate the
long-term, money-saving benefits of energy efficiency investments.
Specifically, policymakers, program administrators and other industry
stakeholders can use the REED data for a variety of purposes, including
comparing efficiency program impacts across states to help identify best
practices in efficiency policy and program design, as well as informing
progress toward clean air and climate change goals. The database
currently includes 2011 electric and gas energy efficiency program data
and will expand this fall to include 2012 data from Delaware and the
District of Columbia, as well as the states currently in the database.
See the Energy Department Progress Alert.
Manufacturing Energy Use Down Since 2002: EIA
Total energy consumption in the U.S.
manufacturing sector decreased by 17% from 2002 to 2010, according to
data released on March 19 by the U.S. Energy Information Administration
(EIA). Manufacturing gross output decreased by only 3% over the same
period. Taken together, these data indicate a significant decline in the
amount of energy used per unit of gross manufacturing output. The
significant decline in energy intensity reflects both improvements in
energy efficiency and changes in the manufacturing output mix.
Consumption of every fuel used for manufacturing declined over this
The manufacturing sector comprised more than 11%
of U.S. gross domestic product (GDP) in 2010. The manufacturing base in
the United States is broad, and includes energy-intensive industries
such as petroleum refining, chemicals, aluminum, iron and steel, paper,
wood products, and food, as well as less energy-intensive industries
such as textiles, leather, apparel, furniture, machinery, and electrical
equipment. Energy for manufacturing can be consumed in two ways: as a
fuel or as a feedstock (material input to a final product). Energy
consumed as a fuel includes all energy used for heat and power. Energy
used as feedstock is the use of energy sources for raw material input or
for any purpose other than the production of heat or power. See the EIA press release.
CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (CCRES)special thanks to U.S. Department of Energy | |
5 Super-Sized Solar Projects Transforming the Clean Energy Landscape
2012 marked a record year for America’s solar
industry. Installations surged by 76% compared to 2011—representing an
estimated market value of $11.5 billion. From commercial to residential,
every sector experienced significant growth, but the clear standout of
2012 was utility-scale solar.
Utility-scale solar projects are designed to
generate massive amounts of electricity. Unlike other sectors, the
electricity generated by utility-scale projects is sold directly to
wholesale utility buyers. In the recently released U.S. Solar Market
Insight report, GreenTech Media and SEIA found that the utility-scale
sector grew by an unprecedented 134% last year—with eight of the largest
solar projects in America starting operation.
Many of these projects were supported by
investments from the Energy Department’s Loan Guarantee Program. These
investments—in several of the world’s largest solar generation
facilities—help to lower the cost of financing and accelerate the
completion of transformative clean energy projects. For the
utility-scale projects that came online last year as part of the loan
program portfolio, see the complete story, see the Energy Blog.
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CCRES) |
petak, 5. travnja 2013.
News and Events by CCRES April 05, 2013
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy SourcesNews and Events April 05, 2013 |
EPA, Energy Department Recognize 2013 Energy Star Partners of the Year
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
and the Energy Department on March 26 recognized 118 awardees for their
commitment to saving energy and protecting the environment. Recipients
of the 2013 Energy Star Partner of the Year Award include Sears Holdings
Corporation, PepsiCo, JC Penney, Food Lion, USAA Real Estate, Loudoun
County Public Schools in Virginia, and Toyota.
The winners were chosen from nearly 20,000
Energy Star partners, including manufacturers, retailers, public
schools, hospitals, real estate companies, and home builders, for their
long-term commitment to climate protection through greater energy
efficiency. Energy Star partners complete a rigorous application process
that demonstrates their commitment to the partnership and the
Organizations are recognized in several
categories. The Sustained Excellence awards went to 70 organizations for
exceptional leadership year after year in the Energy Star program and
their dedication to environmental protection through superior energy
efficiency. The "Partners of the Year" honors were bestowed on 41
organizations for strategically and comprehensively managing their
energy use. The seven "Excellence Award" winners received recognition in
part for their superior efforts in the Home Performance with the Energy
Star program as well as specific activities to promote energy-efficient
products, homes, or buildings. See the EPA press release and the complete list of winners.
BLM Seeks Solar Energy Proposals for Colorado Lands
The U.S. Department of Interior's Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) is seeking proposed solar energy development projects
on 3,714 acres of BLM-managed land in Conejos and Saguache counties in
southwestern Colorado. The BLM’s current actions come after two years of
planning to pave the way for utility-scale solar development on public
lands that will be capable of producing 20 megawatts or more of energy.
The 60-day public notice appeared in the Federal Register on March 22,
2013. See the Federal Register notice.
This public notification is the first step to
possible competitive solar energy development on public lands in the San
Luis Valley. Last year, EPG Solar 1, LLC filed applications to develop
solar energy on public lands within the De Tilla Gulch and Los Mogotes
East Solar Energy Zones. Once the 60-day notice period closes, the BLM
will review all submissions to see if other companies are interested in
developing solar energy in these areas. See the BLM press release.
Air Force Announces Energy Efficiency Achievements, New Energy Plan
The U.S. Air Force on March 21 highlighted its
recent energy use reductions, touting savings of $1.5 billion in energy
costs in 2012, and announced current initiatives under the new Air Force
Energy Strategic Plan. The Air Force is the largest single consumer of
energy in the federal government, and in fiscal year 2012, spent more
than $9 billion for energy, with more than 85% of those costs in
aviation fuel. However, the service has already significantly reduced
energy consumption and increased use of renewable energy, helping drive
down its energy costs.
In addition to cutting fuel use, the Air Force
also reduced facility energy intensity by more than 21% since 2003 and
is on track to meet its goal of reducing energy intensity by 37.5% by
2020. Last year, 5.5% of the Air Force's electricity came from renewable
energy sources, and by 2025, it plans to get 25% of its electricity
from renewable energy.
The new energy plan, the first update since
2010, calls for an increase in on-site energy production through
renewable energy. In 2006, the Air Force set a goal of reducing aviation
fuel consumption 10 percent by 2015. The military branch is also
following a net-zero approach to water and energy installation to help
meet a 2030 federal net-zero energy goal for all new facility
construction and alterations. See the Air Force press release and the Air Force Energy Strategic Plan
![]() JBEI Researchers Engineer Plant Cell Walls to Boost Sugar Yields for Biofuels
Researchers at the Energy Department's Joint
BioEnergy Institute (JBEI) are taking major steps toward achieving new
breakthroughs for biofuels using lignocellulosic biomass, the most
abundant organic material on Earth. This ample resource could supply the
sugars needed to produce advanced biofuels, which can supplement or
replace fossil fuels if several key technical challenges are met. One of
these challenges is finding ways to more cost-effectively extract those
The JBEI, a scientific partnership led by
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL), advances the development
of next-generation biofuels that can provide renewable transportation
energy. JBEI researchers have focused on reducing the natural resistance
of plant cell walls to release their sugars. In the past, extracting
sugars from their lignin cage has required the use of expensive and
environmentally harsh chemicals at high temperatures, a process that can
drive production costs of advance biofuels prohibitively high.
In order to achieve the partnership's goal,
researchers rewired the regulation of lignin production—or
biosynthesis—in engineered plants and created an artificial positive
feedback loop to enhance secondary cell wall biosynthesis in specific
tissues. This reduces the resistance of plant cell walls and boosts
sugar content without impacting plant development. Now, the researchers
believe their lignin rewiring strategy could also be transferrable to
other plant species, and are working to improve the technique. See the LBNL press release.
CROATIAN CENTER of RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES (CCRES)special thanks to U.S. Department of Energy | |
National Parks Move Transportation Forward in America's Great Outdoors
America's National Parks have always attracted
pioneers in transportation. In the early 1900s, the new transcontinental
railroad encouraged people to “See America First,” particularly the
National Parks. Today, the National Park Service is leading by example.
Working in partnership with the Energy Department’s Clean Cities
National Parks Initiative, National Parks across the country are using
alternative fuels and advanced vehicle technologies to reduce air
pollution and lower fuel costs.
Building on the success of its existing National
Park Service projects, Clean Cities is now partnering with five
additional parks to implement specific projects that improve the parks’
environment and increase the sustainability of their operations. Most of
the projects focus on shifting many of the parks' vehicles to run on
alternative fuels, such as propane, biodiesel and electricity—a
transition that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve air
quality, and minimize fuel costs.
The projects will also educate park visitors on
improving the sustainability of their own driving habits to reduce
greenhouse gas emissions during park visits and when they return home.
For example, parks such as Yellowstone and Grand Teton are educating
visitors on the benefits of reducing the amount of time they idle their
cars or visiting sites in the parks by biking, walking, or using park
shuttles. If just 25% of visitors at the 13 parks in the Clean Cities
National Parks Initiative reduce their idling by five minutes, it would
save 192,000 gallons of gasoline and more than 2,000 tons of greenhouse
gas emissions each year. For the complete story, see the Energy Blog.
Croatian Center of Renewable Energy Sources (CCRES) |
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