

A global renewables operator
ACCIONA Energy, the energy division of the ACCIONA Group, is a world leader in the field of renewable energy sources. It takes on the mission of demonstrating the technical and economic viability of a new energy model based on criteria of sustainability.
ACCIONA Energy has 20 years' experience in the sector. It is present in seven technologies, has operations in 14 countries, and deploys its activity throughout the value chain.
ACCIONA Energy presents itself to the market as a global operator in clean energy, and its key characteristics are:
Operational excellence in the management of assets, achieving the highest levels of efficiency and optimizing its operations.
Capability as a project developer, with around 9,000 MW installed, either for itself or for other customers.
Leadership in innovation, as an ongoing philosophy that seeks the best and most efficient situations at any given time.
Our geographical, technological and commercial diversification, our solid asset base - with no variable production costs -, the skills of a team of more than 2,000 professionals with unprecedented know-how in the sector, and the competitive advantage of having our own technology in key areas such as wind turbine production or the design of CSP plants are just some of the differentiating features that strengthen our position in the market.
Wind power
4% of the wind power capacity installed in the world
ACCIONA Energy is a global leader in the development, construction, operation and maintenance of wind power facilities, with over 15 years' experience.
At end 2010, ACCIONA Energy had installed a total 6,270 MW of owned capacity: 5,404 MW are attributable to the Company and 1,472 MW were installed for clients. This makes us one of the leading international wind power developers and operators, with a market share of around 4% of the wind power capacity installed in the world.
Across the value chain
The standout feature of our business model is our presence across the wind power value chain: from designing and manufacturing turbines, developing facilities, financial analysis and managing turnkey projects, to wind park O&M and energy marketing or managing carbon emissions trading.
Our position as front-runners and our in-depth knowledge of the sector confirm ACCIONA Energy's capacity as a global provider of products and services across the entire wind power value chain.
Wind turbines
Home-grown technology turbines, designed to last
ACCIONA Windpower is part of the ACCIONA group and specializes in the design, manufacture, field assembly and marketing of wind turbines using proprietary technology.
Boosted by ACCIONA's experience as an operator of wind parks worldwide, ACCIONA Windpower has taken a few years to position itself among the world's top wind turbine manufacturers.
The AW wind turbine has played a major role in this progress. This robust and reliable machine is designed to meet the requirements of wind park operators who demand the best possible performance throughout the turbine's working life.
ACCIONA Windpower produces turbines of 1500 kW and 3000 kW rated power, of which it has assembled over 3000 MW. Today, AW wind turbines are to be found in more than 75 wind parks in 12 countries on 4 continents.
ACCIONA Windpower is present in the world's main markets, with production plants in Spain and the US. We combine our position as a global supplier with a strong local presence and customer-focused service, delivering direct attention and an agile and tailored service across our entire client base.
Concentrating Solar Power
Leading the way in CSP technology
Concentrating Solar Power - also referred to as Solar Thermal Power - is one of ACCIONA Energy's priority business lines and one of the renewable technologies with the best growth potential.
ACCIONA was the first Spanish company with an operational CSP plant with solar trough technology: the Nevada Solar One (NSO) facility in the Nevada desert (USA).
Grid-connected in June 2007, the 64 MW facility exceeded production forecasts by 9% in its first year in service. The satisfactory experience acquired with NSO is a guarantee for new projects in the Spanish and US markets, and also for the capital markets.
In Spain, ACCIONA Energy plans to invest around 1,200 million euros in five 50 MW plants in the short term. The first was grid-connected in September 2009, two were completed in the last quarter of 2010, the forth will be finished in summer 2011 and construction work on the fifth -already approved by Spanish authorities- will begin soon.
These five plants alone in Spain will use a clean and inexhaustible energy source - the Sun - to produce enough electricity to power more than 133,000 homes. This will avoid the emission of 421,000 metric tons of CO2 a year, with a cleansing effect on the atmosphere similar to that produced by a forest of 21 million trees through the process of photosynthesis.
In the US, ACCIONA has a large project portfolio in states in the country's south-east.
Home-grown technology
CSP plants saw considerable development in the US between 1985 and 1991; during that period nine facilities were installed in California's Mojave Desert, with a total capacity of 354 MW.
The problems that have emerged since then (for a number of reasons) are now being overcome through a new strategy aimed at encouraging the installation of renewable energy sources, both at federal and state level.
ACCIONA has proprietary technology in the design, construction, operation and maintenance of CSP plants, the most consolidated renewable energy in the market. The technical team at Nevada Solar One - part of ACCIONA Solar Power - took an active part in the facilities previously installed in California and has a track record of experience in the field.
In CSP plants, the solar field is equipped with parabolic cylinder troughs that concentrate the sun's rays onto collectors (mirrors) located on the focal line, through which a fluid circulates and heats up to high temperatures. This fluid is then used to produce steam, which drives a conventional turbine connected to a generator to produce electricity.
CSP plants have the advantage that their maximum production takes place in the middle of the day, when electricity demand is usually higher.
Our second technology in terms of installed capacity
Hydropower has been part of ACCIONA Energy's activity since the Company's early days.
The Company has worked on upgrading and taking full advantage of the value of obsolete small hydro power stations, as well as constructing new plants. Our extensive experience in upgrading and construction covers not only the evaluation of the resource, but also the design, construction, operation and maintenance.
The incorporation of hydro assets acquired from Endesa as part of ACCIONA's sale of its stake in the Spanish utility has boosted our hydropower capacity. This technology now ranks second in our installed capacity after wind power, with 912 MW operational.
ACCIONA's hydroelectric power stations are controlled from our Renewables Control Center, located in Navarre, in close coordination with our different area centers, which makes for more efficient management of the facilities.
Long-standing experience in the construction and operation of biomass plants
ACCIONA Energy is present in the field of biomass with three main proprietary operational plants with a total capacity of 57 MW. These are the Sangüesa Plant (Navarre), which entered into service in 2002, and the plants at Briviesca (Burgos) and Miajadas (Caceres) which were grid-connected in the last quarter of 2010. Additionally, ACCIONA has two 4-MW biomass plants related to cogeneration plants.
The Company has currently five projects - all in Spain- in the administrative permit stage and totaling a further 82 MW.More info at http://solarserdar.blogspot.com.
ACCIONA has considerable experience in the biomass sector, both in terms of the supply logistics of the fuel (through long-term contracts with farmers, agricultural cooperatives and straw-market professionals) and through the operation of electricity generating plants. This enables the Company to guarantee supply and product prices.
The Company also puts its experience at the disposal of clients interested in the construction of this type of facility.
Solar photovoltaic
The biggest photovoltaic plant in the world with solar tracking
ACCIONA Energy is a leader in the field of photovoltaic solar power thanks to its pioneering work in the expansion of this technology in Spain and its experience in the construction of large photovoltaic plants.
The company has worked since 1996 on the design, construction, operation and maintenance and application procedures for photovoltaic plants. It has installed 69 MWp in Spain - mostly for customers - among which we would highlight the so-called 'huertas solares'(solar gardens).
Outside Spain the company has built (and owns and operates) a 45.8 MWp plant at Amareleja (Moura, Portugal), the biggest one in the world with solar tracking. It was grid connected in December 2008, and the Japanese group Mitsubishi Corporation has acquired a 34% stake in the company that owns the plant.
'Huertas solares'
As well has owning solar PV plants, the company also develops facilities for other companies. It has created and popularized the concept of huerta solar (solar garden), an innovative (and patented) way of exploiting energy, allowing private individuals to invest directly in small PV plants that become their property but are grouped together on a single site.
The 18 solar gardens developed by ACCIONA Solar in Spain (which come to a total 61.50 MWp) have drawn interest from more than 3,500 buyers, who invested a total of approximately 456 million euros. This is probably the highest investment in renewables made by individuals in Spain through a single company.
The owners have solar trackers and panels of different capacity, depending on the model chosen. Locating the equipment on a common site to share infrastructures and services allows cost reductions, better performance, improved safety and lower operation and maintenance costs.
All the solar gardens feature Buskill solar trackers - home-grown technology - that increase production by around 35%. Other ground-breaking technological features include an inverter that brings togther in a single unit he control system for solar monitoring and all electrical devices.
ACCIONA Solar service includes end-to-end management of solar gardens: e.g. billing, administrative arrangements and the control of the production of each owner. Owners can keep a watch on daily, monthly and annual production online.
Marketing of energy and CO2
Through its subsidiary ACCIONA Green Energy Developments, ACCIONA Energy manages the sale of the electricity produced by the group's plants and also that produced by other Special Regime producers that have put their trust in our experience and technical capability.
ACCIONA Green Energy also markets electricity with guaranteed origin from renewable sources, manages the group's carbon credits portfolio and provides access for its customers to international carbon markets.More info at http://solar serdar.blogspot.com.
predstavlja vam
E.H.N. d.o.o.
Tvrtka E.H.N. d.o.o., sa sjedištem u Splitu, pripada tvrtki Acciona Energia koja je dio grupacije Acciona, a bavi se obnovljivim izvorima energije kao što su: vjetroparkovi, male hidrocentrale, solarna polja, biomasa itd.
Trenutačno se u Hrvatskoj za gradnju jednog vjetroparka mora ishoditi 60 različitih dozvola i suglasnosti. Ako se rješava jedan dokument mjesečno, potrebno je 60 mjeseci samo za studiju utjecaja na okoliš. U procesu dobivanja lokacijske i građevinske dozvole sudjeluje više od 40 različitih tijela i uprava, upozorava Mirko Tunjić iz splitske tvrtke EHN
EHN je splitska tvrtka osnovana prije devet godina, a bavi se razvojem projekata iz područja obnovljivih izvora energije s ciljem investiranja u gradnju vjetroparkova kao trenutačno najefikasnijeg izvora energije u obnovljivom sektoru. Tvrtka je članica španjolske grupacije Acciona Energía koja je do sada u Hrvatskoj posredstvom tvrtke EHN uložila 10 milijuna eura samo u razvoj. S Mirkom Tunjićem, direktorom tvrtke EHN, razgovarali smo o problemima u izgradnji vjetroparkova te o prednostima obnovljivih izvora energije.
Kako posluje grupacija Acciona Energía?
- EHN iz Splita članica je te španjolske grupacije, jedne od najvećih španjolskih tvrtki uopće, koja se svojedobno bavila graditeljstvom i infrastrukturom, a u novije vrijeme energijom. Grupacija posluje u 25 zemalja i bavi se svim tehnologijama obnovljivih izvora energije te proizvodnjom opreme za energetska postrojenja. Zapošljava više od 38.000 ljudi i uvrštena je među 35 vodećih korporacija u Španjolskoj.
Na kojim ste projektima angažirani u Hrvatskoj?
- U Hrvatskoj sudjelujemo u nekoliko projekata u energetskom sektoru. Međutim, zbog doista spore i komplicirane administracije, mnogi takvi projekti stoje i nije ih za sada moguće realizirati. Prije nekoliko mjeseci dobili smo prvu građevinsku dozvolu za jedan projekt snage 30 megavata (MW) na lokaciji Seget Marina. Projekt bi trebao krenuti početkom ove godine.
Zašto nema realiziranih projekata na splitskom području, dok je na šibenskom već poodavno izgrađeno nekoliko vjetroparkova?
- Na šibenskom su području vjetroelektrane priključene na distributivni sustav i to su vjetroelektrane manje snage i kapaciteta. Na splitsko-dalmatinskom području imamo projekte za vjetroelektrane većih kapaciteta, većih od 30 MW, koje se priključuju na prijenosni sustav. Dakle, radi se o potrebi za ozbiljnijom infrastrukturom, kako u projektu tako i realizaciji. Tu se nailazi na najveći problem u ovom poslu, a to je rješavanje administrativnih problema oko priključka tih, za naše prilike, vjetroelektrana velikih kapaciteta. Prednost Županije šibensko-kninske jest u tome što je znatno ranije donijela prostorne planove te se jasno odredila i učinila više u promidžbi, ali će, s druge strane, prvi projekt koji ćemo mi ostvariti na području Splitsko-dalmatinske županije biti veći od svih ostvarenih dosadašnjih projekata na šibenskom području zajedno. To, jasno, nisu veliki kapaciteti za europske prilike. Španjolska kao lider u vjetrenergiji ima više od 20.000 MW instalirane energije u vjetroparkovima. Kad je riječ o obnovljivim izvorima energije, Španjolska je prije 15 godina bila u začecima. Tada su sile bile Njemačka i Danska, ali nakon što je španjolska vlada odlučila da energetika bude strategija razvoja te se opredijelila za razvoj obnovljivih izvora energije, postali su svjetski lider u tom sektoru.
Što može Hrvatska?
- Kod nas je razvoj energetskog sektora samo deklarativan. Mi nismo odredili da je razvoj tog sektora strateški interes naše države. Ako želimo očuvati standarde ekologije i postići energetsku neovisnost, moramo se okrenuti razvoju projekta obnovljivih izvora energije. Uz sve to možemo razviti i proizvodnju energetske opreme koju nakon dovršetka investicija u Hrvatskoj možemo izvoziti na jugoistok.
Hoće li Hrvatska kao potpisnica Kyotskog protokola uspjeti ostvariti obveze iz tog ugovora?
- Ovakvom dinamikom sigurno neće. Međutim, ako se promijene okolnosti i olakšaju ulaganja investitorima te se krene dinamičnije, sigurno hoće jer za ulaganja u obnovljive izvore energije vlada veliki interes. Treba se odlučiti jasno - onako kako smo se odlučili da idemo u gradnju autocesta.
Zašto kod nas na otocima nije moguća gradnja vjetroparkova?
- Zato što je 2004. godine donesena Uredba o zaštiti obalnog područja kojom se, između ostalog, zabranjuje gradnja vjetroelektrana na otocima. U energetskom i inženjerskom aspektu takva odluka nema opravdanja jer je to možda najefikasniji način opskrbe otoka električnom energijom. Činjenica je i to da je potencijal iskoristivosti vjetra i sunca najveći na otocima, pa je tako Grčka izgradila veliki broj vjetroelektrana. Smatram da će se ta uredba izmijeniti kada se dovrši gradnja vjetroparkova u zaobalju i kad se svi uvjere u prednosti takvog načina proizvodnje električne energije.
Pogled u susjedstvo
Kakva je situacija u nama susjednim državama,
BiH i Crnoj Gori?
- Iako zaostaju u zakonodavnom okviru kad je
riječ o sektoru obnovljivih izvora energije, one su
u neku ruku ispred nas, a najkonkretnija je Crna
Gora. Mogu reći da su nekoliko godina ispred nas
jer su najprije odredili lokacije, donijeli odluku da
na tim lokacijama žele graditi vjetroelektrane,
raspisali međunarodni natječaj za koncesije...
Tako će Crna Gora za nekoliko godina imati iz-
građenih pet vjetroparkova. To je sustavan način
rada u kojem država diktira uvjete ulaganja.
Tako je moguće pokrenuti lokalnu proizvodnju.
Unatoč svemu, bilo bi nekorektno prešutjeti i
goleme prednosti poslovanja u Hrvatskoj u
odnosu na susjedne zemlje, pa i kada je riječ
o velikoj perspektivi i većoj mogućnosti povrata
investicije u Hrvatskoj.
Koji su još problemi investitora na kontinentu?
- Nelogično je da se energetsko odobrenje može dobiti ako se razvoj projekta na nekoj lokaciji dovrši u roku od 36 mjeseci jer je realnost takva da se prema našim zakonima projekt može razviti za nekih pet-šest godina. Potrebno je ishođenje studije utjecaja na okoliš, potom njena analiza i procjena što zahtijeva dodatno vrijeme. Otežavajuće je to što sve mora ići na javni uvid i javnu raspravu. Ta procedura, u najboljm slučaju, traje između dvije i tri godine. Trenutačno u Hrvatskoj za gradnju vjetroparka morate ishoditi 60 različitih dozvola i suglasnosti. Dakle, ako rješavate jedan dokument mjesečno, potrebno vam je 60 mjeseci samo za procjenu studije utjecaja na okoliš. U procesu dobivanja lokacijske i građevinske dozvole sudjeluje više do 40 različitih tijela i uprava.
Koliko je vaša grupacija spremna investirati?
- Naša grupacija je spremna investirati u sve projekte koje smo započeli i koje namjeravamo dobiti u Hrvatskoj. Tako vrijednost investicije ovisi o tome koliko projekata možemo dobiti i ostvariti. Razumije se da je Hrvatska ograničena teritorijalnim i energetskim kapacitetima, što znači da naš sustav može primiti oko 600 MW instalirane snage. To bi bilo oko 15 posto cjelokupne instalirane snage iz obnovljivih izvora u odnosu na sve naše energetske izvore. To bi predstavljalo investiciju u ovaj sektor veću od 900 milijuna eura. Acciona Energía je grupacija koja proizvodi više energije iz obnovljivih izvora nego Hrvatska iz svih svojih energetskih izvora.
Koliko se poduzetnici poput vas koji ulažu u obnovljive izvore energije pronalaze u hrvatskoj energetskoj strategiji?
- Mi smo po strategiji vrlo bitan čimbenik u Hrvatskoj jer imamo prostor razvoja do 1200 MW instalirane snage električne energije. No, bez zahvata i investiranja u razvoj elektroenergetske mreže mi taj cilj nećemo ostvariti. Realno je da u idućih par godina možemo ostvariti 600 MW. Mada ne bi bilo loše investirati u modernizaciju mreže i gradnju novih trafostanica jer bi se tako probudio cjelokupni energetski sektor i došlo bi do novih projekata. To bi osiguralo i poslove domaćim brodogradilištima na gradnji stupova za vjetroelektrane, a malim poduzetnicima za opremu.
Kakva je konkurencija u Hrvatskoj u tom sektoru?
- Mogu reći da imamo zdravu konkurenciju. Kao predsjednik Grupacije za energiju vjetra pri Hrvatskoj gospodarskoj komori mogu biti doista zadovoljan kad je riječ o odnosima među poduzetnicima. Godine 2007. donesen je Pravilnik prema kojem svaki investitor dobiva lokaciju na kojoj razvija svoj projekt. To je, uz još neke akte, uvelo reda u ovaj sektor. No snaga priključaka na mrežu mora se dodijeliti i podijeliti samo onima koji su uspjeli ostvariti projekte, a ne onima koji su dobili lokaciju.
Imate li dovoljno stručnjaka i koje su mogućnosti sektora obnovljivih izvora energije?
- Stručnjaka imamo dovoljno, kao i potencijalnih investitora. No bojim se da ćemo izgubiti veliku prigodu u proizvodnji dijelova i opreme za vjetrenjače, kolektore... Nemamo sustavne strategije pa iz tog razloga nema ni zainteresiranih poduzetnika koji bi proizvodili opremu za vjetroelektrane. Oni će se pojaviti kada budu nazirali mogućnost plasmana svojih proizvoda.Više informacija na solarserdar.blogspot.com.
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