nedjelja, 3. veljače 2013.

KONCAR - Electric Vehicles Inc

U organizaciji Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE) nastavljeno predstavljanje hrvatskih visokotehnoloških tvrtki i poduzetnika na europskim i svjetskim portalima kojima je zajednički predznak energetika, obnovljivi izvori energije i očuvanje okoliša .

 „Želim naglasiti da će hrvatske tvrtke i poduzetnici ovdje biti promovirane ne samo da bi prodavali svoje proizvode nego i da bi svoje znanje razvoja informacijskih i energetskih tehnologija podijelile s sličnim svjetskim tvrtkama, poduzetnicima iz razvijenih nacija kojima se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava i politički i gospodarski. Nadam se da će naše prezentacije hrvatskih tvrtki i poduzetnika dovesti do suradnje između država, kompanija i poduzetnika do razine koja nije samo prijateljstvo nego i partnerstvo", istaknuo je Željko Serdar , predsjednik Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije.

Croatia is one among only six countries in Europe producing their own trains

Croatian train
Photos by Luka Klun, Pixsell

Low-floor Electric Multiple Unit

Product development is continuous activity of KONČAR – Electric Vehicles. Application of our own research and development potentials, joined by partnership and synergy, creates new production solutions based on knowledge.

We had proven that only those companies which are able to start a production based on research can survive in a very demanding market. The synergy of our human resources and technology resulted in development of a new product, LOW FLOOR REGIONAL ELECTRIC MULTIPLE UNIT,
developed according to the valid european and international standards.

250 engineers, masters and doctors of science, about 200 high skilled workers and many suppliers and cooperates of various professions have participated in the research and development of EMU

The basic characteristics:
  • total length 75 m
  • floor height 600 mm
  • seating places 20 /144
  • standing places 250
  • maximal speed 160 km/h
  • coupling up to 3 trains
  • vacuum toilettes 2

Technical and technological solutions:
  • asynchronous drive with vector regulation
  • ľP systems for control and communication
  • Končar' own programming support
  • diagnostic and monitoring systems
  • modularity (Hardware / Software)

Low-floor regional electric multiple unit is the "knowledge product" of intellectual capital and technology, which creates a new value on the market and a platform for further growth and affirmation of the

Company KONČAR all over the world.

KONCAR - Electric Vehicles Inc.
Velimira Škorpika 7, HR - 10090 Zagreb
phone: +385 1 3496 959, fax: +385 1 3496 960

Source Electric Multiple Unit


Technical features:

  • Bright, passenger-friendly interior with customized design
  • End-to-end walk-through passenger compartment, with no steps
  • Spacious multipurpose area in entrance section
  • 8 doors on each side for rapid passenger access
  • Air-conditioned passenger and driver compartments
  • Vacuum toilet-system, also suitable for the disabled
  • Ergonomically designed driver´s cab
  • Glass-fibre reinforced front section with automatic coupling
  • Welded steel construction
  • Air-suspended bogies
  • Redundant traction chain with IGBT power converters
  • DIRT vehicle control system with train bus and diagnostic
  • Multiple-unit control for up to three vehicles

The state of the art concept, air-condition, ergonomic seats and panoramic glazing enables
a comfortable drive. A walk-through passenger compartment is optimized for platform heights
of 550 mm and rapid acceleration.

Carbody is articulated made of four part welded steel construction with two powered bogies.
Three-phase asynchronous traction motors, driven by IGBT converters, enable the maximum
speed of 160 km/h.

Control and diagnostic microprocessor system connected by modern communications protocols
to vehicle subsystems (converters, doors, brakes, suspension) together with ergonomically shaped
and air-conditioned drivers cabins ensures comfortable and easy-to-use working environment for
the driver.

Source containing a more detailed description: [PDF]


The state of the art concept, air-condition, ergonomic seats and panoramic glazing enables
a comfortable drive. A walk-through passenger compartment is optimized for platform heights
of 550 mm and rapid acceleration.

Carbody is articulated made of four part welded steel construction with two powered bogies.
Three-phase asynchronous traction motors, driven by IGBT converters, enable the maximum
speed of 160 km/h.

Control and diagnostic microprocessor system connected by modern communications protocols
to vehicle subsystems (converters, doors, brakes, suspension) together with ergonomically shaped
and air-conditioned drivers cabins ensures comfortable and easy-to-use working environment for
the driver.

KONCAR - Electric Vehicles Inc.

Velimira Škorpika 7, HR - 10090 Zagreb
phone: +385 1 3496 959, fax: +385 1 3496 960

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