„Želim naglasiti da će hrvatske tvrtke i poduzetnici ovdje biti promovirane ne samo da bi prodavali svoje proizvode nego i da bi svoje znanje razvoja informacijskih i energetskih tehnologija podijelile s sličnim svjetskim tvrtkama, poduzetnicima iz razvijenih nacija kojima se Republika Hrvatska prilagođava i politički i gospodarski. Nadam se da će naše prezentacije hrvatskih tvrtki i poduzetnika dovesti do suradnje između država, kompanija i poduzetnika do razine koja nije samo prijateljstvo nego i partnerstvo", istaknuo je Željko Serdar , predsjednik Hrvatskog Centra Obnovljivih Izvora Energije.
Mr. Zvonko Viduka surrounded with products of his company ALTPRO near Zagreb
ZVONKO VIDUKA – PODUZETNIK KOJI ZNA, HOĆE I MOŽE Razgovor s poduzetnikom koji svoje visokotehnološke proizvode izvozi u 35 zemalja svijeta Hrvatsko gospodarstvo je u velikoj krizi, gospodarstvo je sve lošije, trgovinski deficit je sve veći, a armija nezaposlenih sve brojnija. Dodatni problem je uz sve to je gubitak povjerenja u sebe, depresivno raspoloženje koje je u Hrvatskoj zavladalo. Kada čovjek sluša i gleda naše medije koji nas stalno šopaju negativnim vijestima, možemo zaključiti da smo mi najlošiji na svijetu, da ništa ne znamo i da smo nesposobni i za izvoz i za poduzetništvo i za stvaranje radnih mjesta. To naravno nije točno i zato moramo govoriti o pozitivnim primjerima, isticati one koji su pokazali da znaju, da mogu i da su, usprkos svim teškoćama, sposobni svojim radom i znanjem uspjeti u konkurenciji s najboljima na svijetu. Treba razgovarati s našim ljudima koji šire optimizam i koji vjeruju i u sebe i u budućnost ove zemlje i koji mogu dati korisne prijedloge za napredak Hrvatske. Jedan od onih koji svima može biti dobar primjer i uzor je poduzetnik Zvonimir Viduka, vlasnik i direktor tvrtke ALTPRO d.o.o. (www.altpro.hr). Gospodin Viduka je uspješan poduzetnik i izvoznik, briljantan inženjer i inovator. Svojim inovativnim rezultatima i uspjehom na svjetskom tržištu proslavio je tvrtku ALTPRO, hrvatsko poduzetništvo i naš Tehnološki park Zagreb u kojem je započeo svoj poslovni razvoj. Poduzeće ALTPRO d.o.o. osnovano je 1994. godine. Poslovna orijentacija tvrtke ALTPRO d.o.o. je od početka vlastiti razvoj, proizvodnja i servis uređaja industrijske elektronike za željeznička vozila i infrastrukturu. Svoje visokotehnološke inovativne proizvode tvrtka ALTPRO d.o.o. izvozi u preko 35 zemalja svijeta na svim kontinentima. Svi ti njihovi proizvodi su rezultat vlastitog razvoja i za inovacije su dobili mnogobrojne nagrade na svim izložbama inovacija u svijetu. Sa svoja dva kompleta sigurnosnih sustava za željeznička vozila i infrastrukturu ALTPRO je trenutno jedan od tri vodeća proizvođača takvih uređaja u svijetu. Od 2002. godini tvrtka ALTPRO d.o.o. uvrštena je u Railway Gazette - Railway Directory (svjetski "tko je tko " na području željeznica) kao jedini hrvatski proizvođač u poglavlju ŤInfrastructureť. Od lipnja 2004. tvrtka ALTPRO d.o.o. je punopravna članica UNIFE – zajednice željezničke proizvodne industrije EUROPSKE UNIJE, kao jedina tvrtka izvan EU primljena u tu organizaciju. ALTPRO d.o.o. je jedino poduzeće iz Hrvatske koje je punopravni član jedne EU gospodarske asocijacije. Član je dviju radnih grupa EK u Bruxellesu za sigurnost i za CENELEC. Zvonimir Viduka i tvrtka ALTPRO d.o.o pokazuju kakvo je naše gospodarstvo moglo biti, a ako bude pameti, kakvo naše gospodarstvo može biti. Jednom je rečeno da je gospodin Viduka u poduzetništvo ono što je bumbar u prirodi. Bumbar po svim zakonima fizike ne bi mogao letjeti, a ipak leti, a Viduka bi prema svim pravilima i uvjetima koji vladaju u hrvatskom poduzetništvu trebao propasti. A on usprkos svemu i svima usprkos napreduje, raste, razvija se i osvaja sve veći dio svjetskog tržišta. O tome što je gospodin Viduka postigao i kako je to postigao, kakva mu je poslovna filozofija i što misli kako bi se moglo pokrenuti hrvatsko gospodarstvo i povećati izvoz može se doznati u snimci emisije „Argumenti“ koja je emitirana na Hrvatskom katoličkom radiju 16.listopada 2012. Godine. S gospodinom Zvonimirom Vidukom razgovarao je gospodin Marijan Ožanić. Zvonko Viduka [MP3], iznimno uspješan hrvatski poduzetnik, voditelj mr.sc. Marijan Ožanić, za Hrvatski katolilički radio HKR, 16. listopada 2012. G. Viduka je utemeljitelj poduzeća ALTPRO. | ZVONKO VIDUKA – AN ENTREPRENEUR WHO CAN AND KNOWS HOW An interview with entrepreneur who sells his high-tech product in 35 countries worldwide The economy in Croatia is in serious crisis - it is getting worse, the trade deficit is getting larger, and the army of unemployed grows in number each day. As a result, loss of confidence and depressive moods have overpowered everybody in Croatia. When one watches and listens to the media that constantly feed us with alarming news, one can conclude that Croatia is the worst in the world, that Croatians know nothing and that they are incapable of export, entrepreneurship and providing new job openings. That, of course, is untrue and that is why we need to talk about shining examples and highlight those who have showed us they can, know how, and that, despite all the difficulties, they are capable of succeeding among the best in the world thanks to their knowledge and hard work. We should talk more with people who spread optimism, who believe in themselves and the future of this country, and who can give useful suggestions and advice for Croatia’s progress. One of these people who can serve as a great example and a role-model is Zvonimir Viduka, the owner and managing director of ALTPRO Ltd. (www.altpro.hr). Mr. Viduka is a successful entrepreneur and an exporter, both a brilliant engineer and an innovator. His innovative results and worldwide success have made ALTPRO Ltd. famous, together with Croatian entrepreneurship and Technology Park Zagreb, where he started his business development. ALTPRO Ltd. was founded in 1994, and from the very beginning, its business orientation focused on development, production and manufacturing of advanced technology products for railway rolling stock and infrastructure. ALTPRO Ltd. has been exporting its high-tech innovative products to more than 35 countries worldwide. All the products are the result of in-house research, and have received numerous awards in all innovation exhibitions throughout the world. The two safety signaling systems for railway rolling stocks and infrastructure have made ALTPRO Ltd. one of the world's three leading manufacturers of such devices. Since 2002 ALTPRO Ltd. has been included in the Railway Gazette – Railway Directory (who is who in the global railway industry) as the only Croatian manufacturer found in the “Infrastructure” chapter. Since June 2004 ALTPRO Ltd. has become a full member of UNIFE – The Association of the European Rail Industry, as the only non-EU firm admitted in the association. ALTPRO Ltd. is the only Croatian firm that has become a full member of an EU economic association. It is also a member of two working groups in Brussels and has been granted the CENELEC certificate. Zvonimir Viduka and the ALTPRO Ltd. are a proof how Croatian economy could have been, and if there is any wisdom, how Croatian economy can be. Somebody once said that Mr. Viduka is in entrepreneurship like a bumble bee is in nature. According to every law of physics, a bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, and yet it does, just as Viduka should have been a failure according to all the regulations and conditions that run the entrepreneurship in Croatia. However, despite everything and everyone, he manages to thrive, grow, develop and even win the large part of the world market! If you want to find out what and how Mr. Viduka achieved all that, what his business philosophy is and what he believes could restart the Croatian economy and increase export, listen to the recording of the “Arguments“ radio show broadcasted on Croatian Catholic Radio on October 16, 2012. Mr. Viduka was interviewed by Mr. Marijan Ožanić. Zvonko Viduka [MP3], exceptionally successful Croatian entrepreneur, interviewed by mr.sc. Marijan Ožanić, for Croatian Catholic Radio HKR, 16th October 2012. Mr. Viduka is the founder of the ALTPRO company. |
Translated from Croatian by Ms Martina Ožanić
Zvonko Viduka in the middle, recipient of a recognition at the Tenth
International Exhibition of Innovation in Zagreb in 2012.
ALTPRO Research ALTPRO is specialized in engineering and manufacturing of advanced technology products for the railway industry, based on extensive in-house research and innovative design. Development ALTPRO is dedicated to help railway companies to bridge the gap to the future state when safer and faster trains will roam the tracks. Production ALTPRO infrastructure and rolling stock products improve trains safety, speed and efficiency, while reducing the cost of equipment throughout its entire lifecycle. Source altpro.com |
ALTPRO company history
Source altpro.comALTPRO d.o.o. (ALTPRO Ltd.) has been founded in 1994 with the goal to develop and manufacture equipment for railway structure and rolling stock. At that time ALTPRO had only 4 employees. 1998 From 1998 ALTPRO is situated within the Technology Park of City of Zagreb, Croatia, the largest concentration of enterpreneurs in the high-tech field in Croatia. 2002 ALTPRO is granted the ISO 9001 certificate for the quality assurance system. The company grew to have 10 employees. 2003 ALTPRO won the “ZLATNA KUNA” award for the Croatian innovation of the year. In the same year ALTPRO was – as the only railway equipment manufacturer from the Southeastern Europe – for the first time listed in the “Railway Directory”, the “Who’s Who” publication in the field of world’s railway suppliers. ALTPRO has been listed in that directory ever since. 2004 ALTPRO became a founding member of the Croatian Association of the Railway Industry, within the Croatian Chamber of Commerce. Zvonimir Viduka, ALTPRO’s managing director, is one of the vice presidents of the Association. In June 2004 ALTPRO became the full member of UNIFE (The Association of the Railway Suppliers in the European Union), as the only member outside the European Union. In December, 2004, ALTPRO celebrates its 10th anniversary. The company had 18 employees. 2005 ALTPRO won the “ZLATNA KUNA” award for the Croatian innovation of the year, again! 2006 From 2006, ALTPRO’s Axle Counter BO23, the system for controlling the trains in stations and other multi-track locations, won Golden Awards on specialized trade fairs in Romania, Germany, Belgium, Malaysia, Poland, Serbia, USA and Croatia. 2007 ALTPRO is granted the ISO 9001 certificate for its railway safety systems 2008 ALTPRO is distributing its products on the four continents! 2009 As the first company outside European Union, ALTPRO is granted CENELEC certificates for its products. In December, 2009, ALTPRO celebrates its 15th anniversary. The company now has 31 employees and many associated suppliers. 2010 ALTPRO is distributing its products on the six continents! Today, ALTPRO continues its research and development of the innovative products at the forefront of the railway technology. ALTPRO is also preparing to move into its own premises. |
This article has been written Mr. Marijan Ožanić, Zagreb.
He wrote several books dealing with Croatian economy and industry, among them
"A Manual for Entrepreneurs: A Small Boat in a Storm", summary in Croatian: [PDF]
He wrote several books dealing with Croatian economy and industry, among them
"A Manual for Entrepreneurs: A Small Boat in a Storm", summary in Croatian: [PDF]
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