ponedjeljak, 23. siječnja 2012.

Hrvatska je izabrala Europu

Najviši državni dužnosnici, kao i pripadnici oporbe, rezultate referenduma čekali su zajedno - u Hrvatskom saboru. Nakon objave rezultata okupljenima i javnosti obratili su se predsjednik Republike Ivo Josipović, predsjednik Sabora Boris Šprem te premijer Zoran Milanović. Ovo je okretni moment u našoj povijesti, smatra Milanović.

Dobro jutro svima. Dolazi nam novi dan, novo razdoblje, dolazi nam bolji i sretniji život, rekao je Šprem.

Hrvatska je izabrala Europu. Odluka je odredila Hrvatsku kao europsku zemlju, zemlju europske budućnosti, izjavio je Josipović.
Uz njih, u Saboru su bili i potpredsjednici Sabora i zastupnici, potpredsjednici Vlade i ministri u Vladi, bivši predsjednik Republike Stjepan Mesić, bivši predsjednici Sabora i predsjednici dosadašnjih vlada.

Prisutni su bili i članovi pregovaračke skupine i glavni pregovarač Vladimir Drobnjak te predstavnici sudbene vlasti, Oružanih snaga, župani, gradonačelnici, rektori sveučilišta, predstavnici sindikata i vjerskih zajednica - ukupno petstotinjak osoba.

Potpredsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Vladimir Šeks rekao je kako je slaba izlaznost hrvatskih građana na referendum o ulasku u EU rezultat prije svega dužničke krize u Uniji, ali i krize povjerenja u političke institucije u Hrvatskoj.

Bivši predsjednik Hrvatskog sabora Luka Bebić izjavio je kako je očekivao da će se na referendumu dvije trećine izašlih birača opredijeliti za ulazak u EU, ali i da ga je malo razočarao relativno slab odaziv na referendum.

Potpredsjednica Vlade i ministrica socijalne politike i mladih Milanka Opačić izrazila je uvjerenje da su hrvatski građani na referendumu odlučili o ulasku Hrvatske u EU, te da će u dogledno vrijeme uvidjeti sve prednosti članstva u Uniji.

Hrvatski građani dobro su odlučili kada su na današnjem referendumu rekli "da" Europskoj uniji. Znat ćemo se nositi s novim izazovima i dokazati da smo itekako sposobni biti europski građani, rekao je ministar financija Slavko Linić.

Hrvatski Centar Obnovljivih Izvora Energije (HCOIE)

2 komentara:

  1. With 99.11% of the ballots counted, 66.25% of the voters said "yes" to Croatia's EU accession, while 33.15% voted against.

    The turnout to the referendum remained low, with just 43.67% of the 1,955,326 voters going to the ballot box.

    Eurosceptics were visibly disappointed by the result and stressed it was "shameful" that so few people decided the fate of the whole country. Opponents to Croatia’s accession had warned that the EU was not a representative democracy, but a "bureaucratic fortress" in which the country would lose its sovereignty and national identity.

    The country's leaders gathered in the Parliament after closing the polls and began to receive distinguished guests, ambassadors, trade union representatives, former ministers and many others who wanted the new government to celebrate the historic decision.

    Croatian President Ivo Josipović said the voters’ decision determined Croatia's European future. He also thanked those who voted against, saying that their doubts and anxieties also need to be taken into account.

    "This is a turning point in Croatia's history," said Prime Minister Zoran Milanović. Milanović, a former diplomat, won the December elections as leader of Kukuriku ("cock-a-doodle-doo") in Croatian, a centre-left coalition that defeated the centre-right HDZ party of former Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor.

    "Never again someone else will decide our fate," Kosor was quoted as saying.

    Croatia is bound to become the second former Yugoslav republic to join the Union, after Slovenia joined in May 2004. The country fought a fratricidal war with Serbia between 1991 and 1995. In the former Yugoslavia, many Croats felt that Serbs had the last word in running the country.

    In recent days, opponents organised mass rallies and warned that Croatia would surrender its national sovereignty to the Brussels bureaucracy. However, according to surveys, the support for accession remained high in the days prior to the vote.

    Foreign Affairs Minister Vesna Pusić, commenting on the turnout, said the country had a tradition of low participation in elections.

  2. In a joint message, Commission President José Manuel Barroso and European Council President Van Rompuy welcomed the referendum results, stating that Croatia's citizens had given their endorsement to European integration.

    "We congratulate Croatia and its people on their choice: EU membership will open up new opportunities for them and help secure the stability and prosperity of their nation.

    "With this popular mandate, the Croatian government can now complete the remaining preparations for membership. We are looking forward to a smooth ratification process by the Croatian Parliament as well as by the Parliaments of all EU Member States, so that Croatia can become the Union's 28th member on 1 July 2013.

    "The upcoming accession of Croatia sends a clear signal to the whole region of South Eastern Europe. It shows that through political courage and determined reforms, EU membership is within reach. Today's positive vote is therefore good news for Croatia, good news for the region, and good news for Europe."

    The foreign affairs spokesperson of the European parliament Green/EFA group, Franziska Brantner, said the vote would strengthen modernising forces in neighbouring countries and contribute to stability in the region. She however regretted that the referendum was scheduled on short notice and that a broad debate did not take place.

    "The public debate over recent weeks about EU accession was good for Croatia and strengthened the democratic legitimacy of the accession process. It is regrettable, however, that the Croatian government scheduled the referendum at such short notice, so that the room for public debate was not as broad as it could have been. It is therefore all the more important that the continuing EU-related reform process is carried out in a more transparent manner and with more civil society participation.

    "For Croatia's government, the vote should also serve as catalyst for speedily tackling outstanding reforms, in particular in the fields of justice reform, anti-corruption reforms, minority protection and the domestic prosecution of war crimes. The Greens will continue to call for thorough monitoring of Croatia's reform process by the European Commission and the European Parliament."

    JEF, the Young European Federalists, said there was "no doubts" on support of Croatia's accession to the EU, even if lately the opponents of the idea "raised a lot of noise".

    "We believe it is time for Croatia to take part in European Union issues and accomplishment of common goals," said Marko Boko, president of JEF Croatia.

    "We are all aware that the circumstances in which Croatia is approaching the EU is not ideal. … This is the reason why unity, cooperation and what we – young European federalist believe in the most – the voice and rights of every citizen are important,“ said Pauline Gessant, president of JEF Europe.
